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Version: 4.x.x

Install Tolgee Svelte SDK


To get full image of working Svelte integration, check our Svelte Example Application.

To install Tolgee Svelte integration library, run:

npm install @tolgee/svelte

First, you will need to wrap your application code with TolgeeProvider component.

<script lang="ts">
import { TolgeeProvider } from "@tolgee/svelte";
import type { TolgeeConfig } from "@tolgee/core";

const tolgeeConfig = {
preloadFallback: true,
apiUrl: import.meta.env.VITE_TOLGEE_API_URL, // or provide your API URL directly
apiKey: import.meta.env.VITE_TOLGEE_API_KEY, // or provide API_KEY directly
} as TolgeeConfig;

<TolgeeProvider config={tolgeeConfig}>
<div slot="loading-fallback">Loading...</div>
<slot />

If you bootstrapped your application with SvelteKit, your .env.development.local file should look like this:


Never leak your API key! You don't want visitors of your site to edit your translations. That's why we recommend to use .env files to store your API key. API key is then omitted for production build.

Other configuration properties

Configuration properties for all web integrations are similar. They are described in configuration section.