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Version: 1.x.x

Pushing & pulling strings

Pushing and pulling strings from Tolgee is the most basic way to interact with strings. Similarly as with a Git project, it allows you to download strings from Tolgee to your computer (pull), or to upload them after you changed them (push).

Pulling strings

This is a useful command that exports strings from the platform, and saves them in a folder of your choice. You can use this to download strings from Tolgee before bundling your app for production.

tolgee pull [options] [destination folder]

Example usage:
tolgee pull ./i18n


  • --format <format> (short: -f) – Format of the exported files. Available formats: xliff, json. Defaults to json.
  • --languages <languages...> (short: -l) – List of languages to pull. Leave unspecified to export all languages.
  • --states <states...> (short: -s) – List of translation states to include. Available states: untranslated, translated, reviewed. Defaults to all except untranslated.
  • --delimiter [delimiter] (short: -d) – Structure delimiter to use. By default, Tolgee treats . as a nested structure delimiter, and formats its export accordingly. Set the option without a value to disable this behavior. Can be configured per-project.
  • --overwrite (short: -o) – Whether contents of the destination folder should be overridden. This will erase ALL of the contents of the destination folder. Defaults to asking the user interactively (or failing if it is not possible).

Currently, CLI does not let you pull only specific namespaces and will download all strings. In the near future, you'll be able to configure this via a specific option.

See issue #17.

Pushing strings

This command allows you to upload existing strings from your local folder to the platform.

tolgee push [options] [translations folder]

Example usage:
tolgee push --force-mode override ./i18n


  • --force-mode (-f) – Force mode. Available modes: override, keep, no (abort on conflicts). Defaults to asking the user interactively (or no if it is not possible).

For complex conflicts, even if the import fails, you can still manually resolve the conflicts in Tolgee itself.


Currently, CLI does not let you delete keys that are not part of your local copy of the strings. In the near future, you'll be able to set a flag to tell the CLI you want to delete strings on the platform that aren't in your local copy.

See issue #18.