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Version: 6.x.x

Migration to v6

In v6 we introduced a few minor breaking changes, which were mostly necessary for better support of next.js (and server-side rendering in general).

Updates to cache

The cache no longer returns records as maps. All methods interacting with the cache are now returning plain objects instead of Map.

tolgee.loadRecords(): Promise<CacheInternalRecord[]>
tolgee.loadRecord(): Promise<CacheInternalRecord>
tolgee.getRecord(): CacheInternalRecord
tolgee.getAllRecords(): CacheInternalRecord[]

Returned cache record(s) are now unified like this:

type CacheInternalRecord = {
data: Record<string, string | undefined | null>; // replaces Map()
language: string;
namespace: string;
cacheKey: string;

Updated getRequiredRecords

This function was renamed to getRequiredDescriptors, because it's not returning data from the cache, but description (descriptors) of what needs to be in cache. The previous name was confusing.

tolgee.getRequiredDescriptors(lang?: string, ns?: NsFallback): CacheDescriptorInternal[]

Previously the method returned the descriptors that were missing in the cache, but now we are returning all the missing records regardless of what is currently in the cache.

Previous behavior can be achieved by comparing the cache content with the results of this function.

Removed obscure onNsUpdate subscribing

Previously it was possible to subscribe to specific namespace changes like this:

const listener = tolgee.onNsUpdate(...)
// subscribes namespace
// unsubscribe completely

You can replace that with update event.

tolgee.on('update', ...)

If you only want to react to certain namespaces, the event handler receives an array of events which led to the invocation of update event (update is derived from other events).

tolgee.on('update', (events) => {
if (events.every(e => (e.type !== 'cache' || e.value.namespace === 'namespace'))) {


TolgeeProvider component useSuspense is now false by default. It didn't work well with next.js, so it's off by default.


<TolgeeProvider options={{ useSuspense: false }}>




TolgeeProvider ssr interface is now the same as the react one.


<TolgeeProvider :staticData="staticData" language="en">


<TolgeeProvider :ssr="{ staticData, language: 'en' }">