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Version: 6.x.x


To change language use changeLanguage method.

await tolgee.changeLanguage('es');

Getting current language

When Tolgee is running, this will first change pendingLanguage property, loads required translation file(s) (when they are not already in the cache) and then changes language property.

Use getLanguage or getPendingLanguage methods to read current state.

You can also listen to language and pendingLanguage events.

When Tolgee is not running, changeLanguage won't fetch translations, it only changes the internal state

Language detection

Tolgee includes LanguageDetector plugin, which tries to detect language from browser window.navigator.language property.

If you use language detector Tolgee needs to know available languages which you can provide with availableLanguages property or if you provide staticData it will be taken from there. You also have to provide defaultLanguage property, so Tolgee knows which language should be picked if detection fails.

const tolgee = Tolgee()
availableLanguages: ['en', 'cs', 'es', 'fr'],
defaultLanguage: 'en'

Language storage

Once user selects his language Tolgee can remember it for the next time. Use LanguageStorage plugin, for storing language settings in the browser local storage.

Tolgee checks if the stored language is valid and because of that you need to specify availableLanguages or define language data through staticData.

const tolgee = Tolgee()
availableLanguages: ['en', 'cs', 'es', 'fr'],

Read more about Tolgee Plugins.