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Select keys



Returns all key IDs for specified filter values. This way, you can apply the same filter as in the translation view and get the resulting key IDs for future use.


Path Parameters

    projectId int64required

Query Parameters

    filterState string[]

    Translation state in the format: languageTag,state. You can use this parameter multiple times.

    When used with multiple states for same language it is applied with logical OR.

    When used with multiple languages, it is applied with logical AND.

    languages string[]

    Languages to be contained in response.

    To add multiple languages, repeat this param (eg. ?languages=en&languages=de)

    Example: en
    search string

    String to search in key name or translation text

    filterKeyName string[]

    Selects key with provided names. Use this param multiple times to fetch more keys.

    filterKeyId int64[]

    Selects key with provided ID. Use this param multiple times to fetch more keys.

    filterUntranslatedAny boolean

    Selects only keys for which the translation is missing in any returned language. It only filters for translations included in returned languages.

    filterTranslatedAny boolean

    Selects only keys, where translation is provided in any language

    filterUntranslatedInLang string

    Selects only keys where the translation is missing for the specified language. The specified language must be included in the returned languages. Otherwise, this filter doesn't apply.

    Example: en-US
    filterTranslatedInLang string

    Selects only keys, where translation is provided in specified language

    Example: en-US
    filterHasScreenshot boolean

    Selects only keys with screenshots

    filterHasNoScreenshot boolean

    Selects only keys without screenshots

    filterNamespace string[]

    Filter namespaces.

    To filter default namespace, set to empty string.

    filterTag string[]

    Selects only keys with provided tag

    filterOutdatedLanguage string[]

    Selects only keys, where translation in provided langs is in outdated state

    Example: en-US
    filterNotOutdatedLanguage string[]

    Selects only keys, where translation in provided langs is not in outdated state

    Example: en-US
    filterRevisionId int64[]

    Selects only key affected by activity with specidfied revision ID

    Example: 1234567
    filterFailedKeysOfJob int64

    Select only keys which were not successfully translated by batch job with provided id

    filterTaskNumber int64[]

    Select only keys which are in specified task

    filterTaskKeysNotDone boolean

    Filter task keys which are not done

    filterTaskKeysDone boolean

    Filter task keys which are done



    ids int64[]required