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Version: 6.x.x



Allows you to gradually initialize Tolgee instance. You can repeatedly call use and updateDefaults. Finally when you call init it will apply everything at once and return TolgeeInstance.

function TolgeeCore(): TolgeeChainer;

Basic usage:

import { TolgeeCore } from '@tolgee/core';

const tolgee = TolgeeCore()

Constructor called Tolgee is located in @tolgee/web package as it automatically includes browser-specific features, which can't be included directly in the core. Use that if you run Tolgee in the browser.


Add tolgee plugin.

TolgeeCore().use(plugin: TolgeePlugin): TolgeeChainer

Plugins are applied after init is called. To see how TolgeePlugin interface work check Plugin API.


Updates Tolgee options before init is called. Extends existing options, so it only changes the fields, that are listed.

TolgeeCore().updateDefaults(options: TolgeeOptions): TolgeeChainer

You can call it multiple times and rewrite only part of the configuration:

const tolgee = TolgeeCore()
.updateDefaults({ apiKey: 'key' })
.updateDefaults({ language: 'en' })
.init({ apiUrl: 'url' });
// resulting configuration will be:
apiUrl: 'url',
apiKey: 'key',
language: 'en'


Represents initialized tolgee instance. Allows you to read translations and manipulate lanugage or cache.


Changes internal state to running: true and loads initial files. Starts Observer if present. Promise<void>


Changes internal state to running: false and stops runnable plugins.

tolgee.stop(): void
tolgee.init(options: TolgeeOptions): TolgeeInstance


Allows you to listen to tolgee events.

tolgee.on(event: TolgeeEvent, handler: ListenerHandler): Listener

Returned object has tolgee.unsubscribe, call it to stop listening.

const listner = tolgee.on(...)

Check Events for details.


Returns formatted translation based on current language. If Observer is present and tolgee is running, wraps the result to be identifiable in the DOM.

tolgee.t(key: string, defaultValue?: string, options?: CombinedOptions): string
tolgee.t(key: string, options?: CombinedOptions): string
tolgee.t(props: TranslateProps): string

t function provides flexibility in how to pass the options:

// with arguments
const translation = t('key', 'default value', {
ns: 'test',
// any unknown property in CombinedOptions is taken as param
parameter: 'parameter',
// with props object
const translation = t({
key: 'key',
defaultValue: 'default value',
ns: 'test',
params: { parameter: 'parameter' },

All the options:

  • key: string - translation key
  • defaultValue: string - value displayed when no translation is available
  • noWrap: boolean - returns translation without wrapping (default: false)
  • orEmpty: boolean - return empty string instead of key if translation doesn't exist (default: false)
  • params: Record<string, value> object with parameters for the formatter
  • ns: string - namespace, if not provided default namespace is used
  • language: string - override current Tolgee language. This way you can override current language and use different one from the cache. Language needs to be loaded manually by tolgee.loadRecord.

t function serves only for reading, not for loading new namespaces or languages. Use addActiveNs for loading additional namespaces.


Change current language.

tolgee.changeLanguage(language: string): Promise<void>
  • if tolgee is not running sets pendingLanguage, language to the new value
  • if tolgee is running sets pendingLanguage to the value, fetches necessary data and then changes language

Returns promise which is resolved when language is changed.


Returns current language if set.

tolgee.getLanguage(): string | undefined


Returns current pendingLanguage if set.

tolgee.getPendingLanguage(): string | undefined

pendingLanguage represents language which is currently being loaded.


Adds namespace(s) list of active namespaces and if tolgee is running, loads required data. Active namespaces are also loaded automatically when language is changed.

tolgee.addActiveNs(ns: FallbackNsTranslation, forget?: boolean): Promise<void>
  • ns: string | string[] - namespace(s)
  • forget: boolean - if true, tolgee only fetches the data, but won't remember namespaces as active, so it won't get loaded automatically on language change


Remove namespace(s) from active namespaces.

tolgee.removeActiveNs(ns: FallbackNsTranslation): void

Tolgee internally counts how many times was each active namespace added, so this method will remove namespace only if the counter goes down to 0.

tolgee.addActiveNs(['common', 'component']);
// active namespaces: {common: 2, component: 1}
tolgee.removeActiveNs(['common', 'component']);
// active namespaces: {common: 1}
// active namespaces: {}

This is used in component lifecycles, where we want to keep track which namespaces are needed, when language changes.


Returns true if tolgee is running.

tolgee.isRunning(): boolean


Returns true if tolgee is loading initial data (triggered by run).

tolgee.isInitialLoading(): boolean


Returns true if tolgee is fetching any data.

tolgee.isFetching(ns?: FallbackNsTranslation): boolean
  • ns: string | string[] - optional list of namespaces that you are interested in


Returns true if tolgee is loading initial data or when new namespace is added. When you are changing language this won't get triggered. Basically indicates, that Tolgee doesn't have all the neccessary data available.

tolgee.isLoading(ns?: FallbackNsTranslation): boolean
  • ns: string | string[] - optional list of namespaces that you are interested in


Similar to isLoading, but can be called before the actual loading starts. This function is mostly useful when you need to find out if tolgee has all the necessary data before run function is triggered.

tolgee.isLoaded(ns?: FallbackNsTranslation): boolean


Returns descriptors of records needed for instance to be loaded

tolgee.getRequiredDescriptors(lang?: string, ns?: NsFallback): CacheDescriptorInternal[]
  • lang: string - optional language (if not present, takes current language)
  • ns: string | string[] - optional list of namespaces that you are interested in (if not present takes current active namespaces)


Returns true if tolgee is in dev mode. Tolgee is in dev mode if DevTools plugin is used and apiKey + apiUrl is specified.

tolgee.isDev(): boolean


Turn off/on events emitting. Is on by default.

tolgee.setEmitterActive(active: boolean)


Returns current Tolgee options.

tolgee.getInitialOptions(): TolgeeOptions


Highlights keys that match selection.

tolgee.highlight(key?: string, ns?: FallbackNsTranslation): Highlighter

Returns object with unhighlight method.


Wraps translation if there is Observer plugin.

tolgee.wrap(params: TranslatePropsInternal): string | undefined


Returns wrapped translation info.

tolgee.unwrap(text: string): Unwrapped


Load records required by current settings (influenced by current language and active namespaces).

loadRequired(options?: LoadRequiredOptions): Promise<CacheInternalRecord[]>

In most cases can be called without any options and will return records which would be loaded by run method initially.


  • language: string - optionally override instance language (can be used when you don't know the language at the initialization time)
  • noDev: boolean - load production translations only - skips DevBackend (false by default)
  • useCache: boolean - skip fetching already loaded records (false by default)


Loads all combinations of specified languages and namespaces.

loadRequired(options?: LoadRequiredOptions): Promise<CacheInternalRecord[]>

Example usage:

const result = await tolgee.loadMatrix({
languages: ['en', 'cs'],
namespaces: ['']
// loads `en` and `cs` languages for empty namespace

const result = await tolgee.loadMatrix({
languages: ['en', 'cs'],
namespaces: ['common', 'info']
// loads `en:common`, `en:info`, `cs:common` and `cs:info` records


  • languages: string[] | 'all' - languages that should be loaded
  • namespaces: string[] | 'all' - namespaces that should be loaded
  • noDev: boolean - load production translations only - skips DevBackend (false by default)
  • useCache: boolean - skip fetching already loaded records (false by default)


Load records by specifying it's descriptors (language and namespace).

tolgee.loadRecords(descriptors: CacheDescriptor[], options?: LoadOptions): Promise<TranslationsFlat[]>

It loads data together and adds them to cache in one operation, to prevent partly loaded state.


  • noDev: boolean - load production translations only - skips DevBackend (false by default)
  • useCache: boolean - skip fetching already loaded records (false by default)


Load record by specifying it's descriptor (language and namespace).

tolgee.loadRecord(descriptor: CacheDescriptor, options?: LoadOptions): Promise<TranslationsFlat>


  • noDev: boolean - load production translations only - skips DevBackend (false by default)
  • useCache: boolean - skip fetching already loaded records (false by default)


Get record from cache.

tolgee.getRecord(descriptors: CacheDescriptor[]): TranslationsFlat | undefined


Get all records from cache.

tolgee.getAllRecords(): CachePublicRecord[]


Add data to cache. It will only rewrite cache if there are no dev data loaded.


'locale': {
'key': 'translation'
// or
'locale': () => fetchTranslations(),
// or
'locale:namespace': ...
tolgee.addStaticData(data: TolgeeStaticData): CachePublicRecord[]


Temporarily change translation in cache.

tolgee.changeTranslation(descriptor: CacheDescriptor, key: string, value: string): TranslationChanger

Returns object with revert method.


Override creadentials passed on initialization. When called in running state, tolgee stops and runs again.

tolgee.overrideCredentials(credentials: DevCredentials)
type DevCredentials = {
apiUrl?: string;
apiKey?: string;
projectId?: string | number;


Add tolgee plugin after initialization. When called in running state, tolgee stops and runs again. To see how TolgeePlugin interface work check Plugin API.

tolgee.addPlugin(plugin: TolgeePlugin | undefined)


Updates Tolgee options after instance creation. Extends existing options, so it only changes the fields, that are listed. When called in running state, tolgee stops and runs again.

tolgee.updateOptions(options?: TolgeeOptions)