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Version: 6.x.x

Vue integration using i18next


This integration is specifically for Vue 2.


You can integrate Tolgee with Vue2 applications using i18next and @panter/vue-i18next. It is recommend to use the ICU message formatter, since the Tolgee platform natively supported it.


To get started, install the necessary packages:

npm install @panter/vue-i18next i18next-icu


After installation, set up your i18next instance with Tolgee and Vue integration:

import { withTolgee, I18nextPlugin, DevTools } from '@tolgee/i18next';
import i18next from 'i18next';
import ICU from 'i18next-icu';
import VueI18Next from '@panter/vue-i18next';


const tolgee = Tolgee().use(DevTools()).use(I18nextPlugin()).init({
apiUrl: process.env.VUE_APP_TOLGEE_API_URL,
apiKey: process.env.VUE_APP_TOLGEE_API_KEY,

withTolgee(i18next, tolgee)
lng: 'en', // or use i18next language detector
supportedLngs: ['cs', 'en', 'fr', 'de'],

const i18n = new VueI18Next(i18next);

new Vue({

You can now use the features of @panter/vue-i18next.

Feel free to explore the example application for more advanced usage and integration patterns.

You can also check the i18next example application to learn more.