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Version: 3.x.x


This guide will help you subscribe to project updates, manage your notifications, and more.


Subscribe to a project to receive notifications for all events and languages in the project.

/tolgee subscribe <project_id>

After subscribing, you will receive notifications when:

  • New keys are created
  • Translations are changed
  • Base translation is changed
  • New translation file is imported

Advanced Subscription Options

Language Subscription

You can subscribe to notifications for a specific language within a project. This allows you to receive updates only for that language. Here's how to do it:

/tolgee subscribe <project_id> <language_tag>

For example, this command subscribes you to French translations in project 1.

/tolgee subscribe 1 fr

You need to know tag of the language you want to subscribe to. You can find the tag in the language settings in the Tolgee web app.

Event Subscribing

You can also subscribe to notifications for specific events within a project. These events include the creation of new keys, changes to the base text, or changes to translations. Here's how to subscribe to events:

/tolgee subscribe <project_id> --on <event>

Where [event] can be one of the following:

  • new_key - receive notifications only when a new key is created
  • base_changed - receive notifications when the base text is changed
  • translation_changed - receive notifications when a translation is changed
  • all - receive notifications for all events (default)

For example, to subscribe to new key events in project 1 for French translations:

/tolgee subscribe 1 fr --on new_key

Managing Global Subscriptions

Without specifying a language tag, you subscribes globally to all languages in the project and you can manage your global subscriptions using the following command:

/tolgee subscribe 1 --global <bool>
  • parameter --global can be set to true or false

For example, you subscribed to project 1 globally by typing /tolgee subscribe 1 and then you also subscribed to French translations by /tolgee subscribe 1 fr. So at this moment you will receive notifications for all languages and individually for French translations. And if you wish to receive notifications only for French translations, you can set global subscription to false by typing /tolgee subscribe 1 --global false.

That's it! You're now equipped to manage your project notifications effectively using the Tolgee bot in Slack.

Unsubscribing from a Project

If you no longer wish to receive notifications for a particular project, you can unsubscribe using this command:

/tolgee unsubscribe <project_id> <language_tag>(optional)

To opt out of receiving project notifications 1:

/tolgee unsubscribe 1

You can optionally include a language tag to unsubscribe from notifications for a specific language within the project. For instance, to unsubscribe from receiving notifications for czech language on project 1:

/tolgee unsubscribe 1 cs

Show Subscriptions

To view a list of all your current subscriptions, use the following command:

/tolgee subscriptions

It will display a list of all your subscriptions, including the project ID, language tag, and events you are subscribed to.

Account Management

Connecting Tolgee to Slack

To get started with Tolgee and begin receiving notifications in Slack, you'll need to connect your Tolgee account to Slack. This simple process can be initiated using the /tolgee login command, which prompts you to authorize Tolgee's access to your Slack workspace. More about this in the Setup section.


If you ever need to disconnect your Tolgee account from Slack or switch accounts, you can easily log out using the /tolgee logout command. This ensures that your account remains secure and that you have full control over your integration settings.