Launching Tolgee pricing 🚀
After a period of development and getting user feedback from our users, Tolgee is finally entering the next important stage: on Wednesday 10th August, we are launching our first pricing for the cloud version of Tolgee. Initially planned for Q2 in our roadmap but the development and other tasks (summer activities too☀️) took us a bit more time than we expected.
During the past year and a half, we launched many new features to make web app localization finally simple. We were lucky to get enough user feedback from our early users (thank you again!) to build a great free and open-source i18n platform.
We’re fans of free and open-source software but we also believe in the financially sustainable open-source business models. We have been transparent about it from the beginning with Tolgee pricing preview on our website. To be able to continue the project, to deliver many new features and to offer finally easy and open-source localization tool, we need to start with the Software as a Service business model for the could version of Tolgee.
With an open‑source business model, we hope we can bring high value to companies and to individuals and have a well‑running company at the same time. We believe, that In an ideal world, companies could create great localized products without being restricted to a single vendor.
Free forever?
Of course, Tolgee will stay free forever in the self-hosted version.
We will keep also the Free plan of the cloud version of Tolgee, but with some limits, as we have cloud provider and machine translation costs related and we’re not currently able to sponsor it on our own. In the Free plan, there will be 3000 translations and 10 000 machine translation credits available.
Also, Tolgee will be free for open-source projects as we want to support other great open-source projects to expand. To get the access just shoot us an e-mail
However, we believe that paying for the cloud system hosted by Tolgee will save time for developers to maintain the system and make the whole process more comfortable.
We hope you understand our decision. Thanks for your support! 💜
All projects will be part of an organization
To finish, one quick notice: ALL PROJECTS WILL BE PART OF AN ORGANIZATION. We changed the way of project ownership, so after releasing on Wednesday 10th August, all current projects owned by users will be transferred to new organizations named by user account name. This way it’s much easier for us to handle the billing for you.