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Tolgee Figma Plugin – Streamline Your Localization Process

· 3 min read
Martin Chrástek
Localization consultant

We are excited to announce the release of our Figma plugin. Our plugin has been specifically designed to help you streamline your localization process, making it faster, easier, and more efficient than ever before.

Tolgee’s Figma plugin

What does the Figma plugin do?

With our new Figma plugin, you can seamlessly push text from your Figma designs to Tolgee, including creating screenshots. This saves you the time and effort of manually copying and pasting text, and ensures that all text is accurately captured for translation.

What's more, the plugin allows you to connect your text to existing keys in Tolgee, making it easy to manage translations across multiple projects. This streamlines the translation process, ensuring that your translations are consistent and accurate across all your designs and projects.

Once your text is in Tolgee, you can easily pull translations back into your Figma designs, making it easy to see how your designs will look in different languages. This feature is especially useful for designers who need to work with multiple languages and want to ensure that their designs are optimized for each market.

Additionally, the plugin allows you to create page copies with key names or translations, with duplicate pages of translations ensuring that the layout remains consistent across different languages. Duplicated pages with key names are particularly useful for developers, as they provide clear guidance on which key names to use in the code.

Figma plugin

How does the Figma plugin benefit you?

The Figma plugin provides users with a seamless workflow for localization, enabling them to focus on their core responsibilities while ensuring that their work is easily translatable. With Tolgee’s Figma plugin, users can:

  • Simplify the localization process: The plugin streamlines the localization process, enabling developers and localization managers to manage translations within their design tool. This eliminates the need for switching between multiple platforms, reducing the risk of errors and miscommunications.
  • Improve collaboration: The plugin simplifies collaboration between developers, designers and localization managers, enabling them to work in the same environment and providing a streamlined workflow.
  • Save time: No more manually copying and pasting text between platforms. The plugin automates the localization process, saving users valuable time.
  • Reduce errors: With the plugin’s ability to pull translations from Tolgee, designers can ensure that their designs are translated accurately, minimizing the chance of mistakes and misunderstandings.

How to get started with Tolgee’s Figma plugin

Getting started with Tolgee’s Figma plugin is easy. Here’s how:

  1. Sign up for Tolgee: If you haven’t already, sign up for Tolgee.
  2. Install Tolgee’s Figma plugin.
  3. Connect your Figma project to Tolgee and start managing your localization process seamlessly.


With Tolgee’s Figma plugin, the localization team can save time, simplify collaboration, and reduce errors in their localization process. We’re thrilled to offer this integration to our customers, and we’re excited to see how it simplifies your localization process!

For more information, you can visit the plugin documentation and the GitHub repository.

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