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CLI 2.0 has been released!

· 3 min read
Štěpán Granát
Co-founder & CTO & The front-end magician
Tolgee CLITolgee CLI

Tolgee CLI version 2.0 brings support for various file formats, so you can import/export them effortlessly and also a new tagging command, which will help you to organize your keys in the development cycle.

Better utilization of .tolgeerc 🐭

You can now use .tolgeerc to configure much more options than before. Basically, all the options of all the commands can now be configured through .tolgeerc and you can now also specify a custom path to Tolgee config (with the --config option), so you can use multiple configs from the same folder.

We now also use JSON Schema, so you can edit your config with IntelliSense.

Let's say I configure my .tolgeerc like this:

"$schema": "",
"projectId": 123,
"format": "JSON_TOLGEE",
"patterns": ["./src/**/*.ts?(x)"],
"push": {
"files": [{
"path": "./public/i18n/en.*",
"language": "en"
"forceMode": "OVERRIDE",
"pull": {
"path": "./public/i18n"

You can now use various Tolgee commands, without additional options, so usage is much cleaner:

tolgee push       # imports your en.json to the platform
tolgee pull # exports all translation files to local folder
tolgee compare # compare keys in your code with the platform

Support for various formats 🚀

Tolgee platform can already deal with formats different from ICU (iOS, Android, Flutter, .po, etc.), for some time. Now we are happy to bring this support also to the CLI.

The easiest way is to specify the format in the .tolgeerc file like this:

"format": "YAML_JAVA",

This format will be applied for both push and pull commands.

Check all possible values here

To support any kind of file, we now require the push.files field to exactly specify, which files should be pushed and with which languages (+ namespace) are they associated, to avoid any ambiguities.

Tagging keys 💣

In order to simplify the organization of keys in the platform we've added a new command tag. This command allows you to add/remove tags to keys extracted from the code and apply additional filters:

# tag all keys extracted from your code
tolgee tag --filter-extracted --tag production

# deal with deprecated keys
tolgee tag --filter-not-extracted --filter-tag production --tag deprecated --untag production

Read the tag command full docs

Some other new features ✨

  • For both pull and push commands you now have more options to filter only specific languages, namespaces etc.
  • The pull command now doesn't override the whole target folder but only updates new files. You can specify --empty-dir, which will remove the folder before inserting new files.
  • For the push command, you can now specify --remove-other-keys, which will remove keys in the platform, which are not part of the specified files.
  • Another push command option --tag-new-keys will tag all newly created keys, similarly to the tag command.