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6 posts tagged with "open-source"

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Tolgee Unreal Plugin – Seamless Game Localization

· 2 min read
Martin Chrástek
Localization consultant

Are you tired of the tedious and time-consuming process of translating your Unreal projects? Do you wish there was a way to streamline your localization efforts and allow for seamless collaboration with your team? Look no further! We are thrilled to announce the release of our Tolgee Unreal Plugin, designed to revolutionize how you handle translations.

Tolgee Unreal plugin

Launching Tolgee pricing 🚀

· 3 min read
Marketa Chalupnikova
Co-founder & COO

After a period of development and getting user feedback from our users, Tolgee is finally entering the next important stage: on Wednesday 10th August, we are launching our first pricing for the cloud version of Tolgee. Initially planned for Q2 in our roadmap but the development and other tasks (summer activities too☀️) took us a bit more time than we expected.