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Tolgee now Supports Apple String Catalog (.xcstrings)

· One min read
Apple String Catalog Support Blog ImageApple String Catalog Support Blog Image

We’re excited to share that Tolgee now supports the Apple String Catalog (.xcstrings) format, a modern localization format for Apple platforms.

This means you can now import and export your localization files in the .xcstrings format, streamlining your workflow for iOS, macOS, and other Apple ecosystem apps.

Apple String Catalog (.xcstrings) is a structured JSON-based format that improves localization handling with features like pluralization and rich metadata. With Tolgee’s support, you can now manage your localized strings seamlessly.

Whether you’re developing apps for iPhone, iPad, macOS, or any Apple platform, simply upload your .xcstrings files to Tolgee, make your edits, and export them back—ready for use in your Xcode projects.

Try it out and let us know what you think! Your feedback helps us improve. Happy localizing!