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12 posts tagged with "javascript"

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Implementing localization to your Svelte App: A step-by-step guide

· 12 min read
Harshil Agrawal
Developer Educator
YAML Support Blog imageYAML Support Blog image

In today's global market, making your web application accessible to a diverse audience is crucial. Localization enables apps to adapt to different languages and cultural contexts, enhancing user experience.

Tolgee simplifies localization with its open-source i18n tool, combining a localization platform and SDKs. It provides features like in-context translation and automatic screenshot generation, making translation easy for developers and translators. Svelte is an open-source frontend framework that compiles components into small, performant JavaScript modules.

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to implement localization in your Svelte app using Tolgee. Let's get started!

Localize your React App the simplest way you've ever seen

· 5 min read

Translating an App to multiple languages (localization) is tricky part of many applications. Tolgee is simplifying the localization process and saves developer's time by removing repetitive tasks 🔁 ❌.

In this article, we'll explore how Tolgee offers a streamlined solution for React localization, empowering developers to efficiently translate and adapt their applications for diverse audiences. From simplifying text translation to providing in-context editing features, Tolgee revolutionizes the localization experience for React developers.

Saving time? That's what I want. Show me how to localize my React app!

Is Turborepo overhyped?

· 6 min read
Štěpán Granát
Co-founder & CTO & The front-end magician


Two months ago, I was looking for a solution how to speed up pipeline in our monorepo. As an immediate answer I found basically two alternatives Nx (from Google) and Turborepo as a new cool project from well known opensource author (Jared Palmer). I was immediately drawn towards Turborepo as it was really hyped everywhere. Also, it is quite minimalistic, simple to use and it looked like exact fit for our use-case. So I got into it.

All you need to know to deal with user avatars 👤 in React

· 6 min read

Most of the information systems using user authentication also work with some kind of avatars - images enabling other users to see who commented, posted or made anything else in the system. When we want to be able to show user avatars, we need to enable users to upload their avatar or generate some default. In this article I am going to show you how to:

  • generate user avatar by their unique ID using jdenticon
  • select avatar from file
  • crop selected avatar using cropper.js and react-cropper libraries

Super fast React Localization (i18n) with i18next and Tolgee

· 9 min read

So you develop an app in React and you want many users to use it, right? To make your app usable for users in foreign countries, you have to translate your App to their languages. 🇬🇧 🇨🇳 🇮🇹 🇪🇸 🇫🇷

In this article, I am going to show you, how to integrate i18next and Tolgee into your project and how easy and fast you can translate a React app using these tools.

Tolgee has also its native integrations. Which are a bit easier to set up, so if you're not used to i18next, maybe it would be easier for you to start with those.