Organization Settings
Organization members
This page shows the list of all members in your organization.
You can invite new members by clicking the Invite user button. Then enter their email address or create an invitation link to share with them.
You can set the role of the member. The role can be one of the following:
- Member: The member has basic access to all organization projects.
- Owner: The owner of the organization. The owner can manage the organization settings, manage the projects, and manage the members.

Member permissions
This page allows you to select the default permissions for all organization members. You can change the permissions for each member on a per-project basis in the Members section of the project.

You can also set the permissions granularly. The granular permissions are a paid feature; see Granular permissions for more information.
This page shows your organization's subscription information, including the current plan and usage. You can also change your plan to a different one.

The usage shown on this page is the total usage of all projects in your organization. The information regarding usage covers the following:
- Used strings – The total number of strings used in your organization, including strings in the base language.
- Used MT credits – The number of Machine Translation credits that have been used in your organization since the last refill.
- Next credits refill – The date when your MT credits will be refilled.
- Extra MT credits – The number of extra MT credits you purchased separately from your plan.
More information about the plans can be found on the Pricing page.
This page shows the list of all invoices for your organization. In addition, you can download the invoices by clicking the Download button (if you have a paid plan).
You can visit the Customer portal to update your payment method or subscription information.